Sound Healing
& Discovery Tepee

Discover the magic of sound healing in our peaceful and relaxing Sound Healing & Discovery tepee. Our beautiful sound baths are an incredible way to experience the power of sound through meditation with gongs, singing bowls and chimes. Find something new with a variety of workshops from sound healing to breathwork, and stress reduction…here you can recharge your batteries and feel the festival energy all around you.


  • Sound Healing & Discovery

Sat 13 Jul

Gong & Sound Journey with James Crossley

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Gong & Sound Journey with James Crossley

Relax and reset with the delicious sounds of gongs and other sound healing instruments. This is the perfect stressbuster as the sounds and vibrations wash through your body giving you the ultimate retune.

Please Note: This session is unsuitable for anyone who is in the first trimester of pregnancy, or has a pace maker. If you have tinnitus, or metal plates, please contact us to discuss further.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Discover the Power of Tapping with Poppy Delbridge

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Discover the Power of Tapping with Poppy Delbridge

Learn how to start your journey of self-discovery and energy empowerment with Tapping Expert, Transformational Author and Coach, Poppy Delbridge. Learn how to quickly shift out of survival mode and into success frequency with her approach to the science-backed technique, which blends ancient wisdom with neuroscience and self-affirmation. Her fresh take on the power of thought will help you alleviate stress and overwhelm in just minutes as part of your up-levelled daily practice towards creating your own life vision.

Age Restriction 18+

Journey to Joy with Sama Trinder

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Journey to Joy with Sama Trinder

Joy we can describe as being a state of contentment, hope and wellbeing despite life's challenges. Journeys take twists and turns, and are not just about the destination.

Journey inwards with somatic practice, stillness for the body and mind, and voice work to discover joy within.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Powerful Energising Breathwork Session with Unguarded Warrior

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Powerful Energising Breathwork Session with Unguarded Warrior

Join Unguarded Warrior founder and oxygen advantage breathwork coach James O’Keefe, in a powerful 45 minute discovery session for optimal breathing, less anxiety, more focus and how we can learn to let go in this modern world.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

A Gentle Approach To Somatic Breathwork with Rebecca Dennis, Breathing Tree

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

A Gentle Approach To Somatic Breathwork with Rebecca Dennis, Breathing Tree

"Rebecca will be offering a gentle approach to somatic breathwork. A gentle but powerful journey reconnecting you to the language of your nervous system and your breath, bringing you home to your body.

Learning to use the breath as your anchor means you create a safe and grounded space within you. Through this grounded practice of presence and awareness we can start to engage with sensations, emotions and responses in the safest possible container. Regulation and safety first and then slow exploration and integration. When we will feel anchored in our body, mind and soul, we have this feeling of being safely held so we can venture without floating adrift or feeling overwhelmed. When we begin by regulating our nervous system, we have a sense of safety despite any changing conditions. We are connected with enough line to hold us safely in one place and enough leeway to move in response to changes in the wind.

Join Rebecca on an enlightening and practical journey as she delves deep into the power of the breath, immersing you in your own body and enhancing your immune system. Experience a profound sense of tranquillity, clarity, connection and invigorating energy. Discover the scientific basis behind the transformative effects of proper breathing techniques, which can reset your nervous system and elevate both
your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Learn invaluable tools to reshape your thoughts and emotions through conscious breathing.

With over 20 years of expertise in breathwork and holistic healing methods, Rebecca has trained alongside revered masters and renowned experts in breathwork and healing practices across the globe. Her profound understanding and skillset enable her to alleviate various issues including stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, sleep disturbances, and fatigue. Experience remarkable transformations and shifts within a short span of time, as Rebecca empowers you to tap into your inherent and natural healing abilities by harnessing the power of the breath.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Gong Bath Meditation with Monica Bazzani

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Gong Bath Meditation with Monica Bazzani

Come and immerse yourself in sound and the healing vibrations of the gong, crystal bowls, drum, and other instruments. Sound has been used for centuries to connect us to a more relaxed state and more recently there have been numerous studies to show its effectiveness for a variety of conditions such as insomnia, stress and anxiety. It is a wonderful practice to rebalance the body, mind and spirit.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Breathe New Beginnings – A Guided Breathwork Experience with Richie Bostock

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Breathe New Beginnings – A Guided Breathwork Experience with Richie Bostock

The way that we breathe affects every single system and function in our body. The latest advances in neuroscience have shown how breathing in certain ways can induce meditative states only seen in expert meditators in just a few minutes! In this workshop, you will be guided through a Breathwork journey that will induce such states leaving you with a sense of peace, clarity and blissful energy.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Serenity Flo Sound Bath Meditation with Christina Grace

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Serenity Flo Sound Bath Meditation with Christina Grace

"Immerse yourself on a deeply restorative and majestic Sound Bath journey. Starting with a guided meditation and intention setting - followed by the sound healing frequencies of tuned Crystal Bowls, Symphonic Gong, Wind Gong & Chimes.
Disclaimer - If you are pregnant, have a heart condition, epilepsy, metal implants, or sound sensitivities, you should speak to a doctor or medical professional before attending a sound bath. "

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Self-Love x Energy Infused Sound Bath with Nishma Patel

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Self-Love x Energy Infused Sound Bath with Nishma Patel

Awaken your heart centre, connecting inwards and releasing all the things that no longer serve you. We will be raising your vibrations and opening your receiving channels to help you manifest and co-create with the universe.

Not suitable for anyone in their first trimester of pregnancy

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Sun 14 Jul

Gong & Sound Journey with James Crossley

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Gong & Sound Journey with James Crossley

Relax and reset with the delicious sounds of gongs and other sound healing instruments. This is the perfect stressbuster as the sounds and vibrations wash through your body giving you the ultimate retune.

Please Note: This session is unsuitable for anyone who is in the first trimester of pregnancy, or has a pace maker. If you have tinnitus, or metal plates, please contact us to discuss further.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Mantra Magic: Awaken your Chakras through Mantra with Pree Kaur

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Mantra Magic: Awaken your Chakras through Mantra with Pree Kaur

Unlock the profound benefits of mantra chanting with Mantra Magic: Awaken Your Chakras through Sound. As you immerse yourself in the rhythmic cadence of ancient mantras, you'll discover a gateway to inner peace and clarity. Mantra chanting has been revered for centuries for its ability to calm the mind, reduce stress, and enhance focus.

Mantra chanting serves as a powerful tool for energy healing and chakra activation. Each sacred sound resonates with specific energy centres in the body, promoting balance and vitality. As you engage in this meditative practice, you'll find your chakras coming into alignment, fostering a sense of well-being on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Embrace the transformative power of mantra chanting and embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner growth.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Self-Love x Energy Infused Sound Bath with Nishma Patel

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Self-Love x Energy Infused Sound Bath with Nishma Patel

Awaken your heart centre, connecting inwards and releasing all the things that no longer serve you. We will be raising your vibrations and opening your receiving channels to help you manifest and co-create with the universe.

Not suitable for anyone in their first trimester of pregnancy.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Gong Bath Meditation with Monica Bazzani

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Gong Bath Meditation with Monica Bazzani

Come and immerse yourself in sound and the healing vibrations of the gong, crystal bowls, drum, and other instruments. Sound has been used for centuries to connect us to a more relaxed state and more recently there have been numerous studies to show its effectiveness for a variety of conditions such as insomnia, stress and anxiety. It is a wonderful practice to rebalance the body, mind and spirit.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Men’s Circle With Unguarded Warrior

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Men’s Circle With Unguarded Warrior

Join Unguarded Warrior founder James O’Keefe as he guides you through a powerful 45-minute Men’s Circle.

Discover some new tools to help release the tension of modern life and learn how you can connect with yourself and others to become a better, calmer more powerful man.

Please Note: This is a Men's Only workshop.

Age Restriction 18+

Click here to book workshops.

Sound Meditation with IO Project

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Sound Meditation with IO Project

IO Project presents a cathartic sound meditation session, so you can enjoy the festival feeling relaxed, centered, heart chakra open; ready for all the sparkly shenanigans ahead. You could call it the antidote to apathy… for adults who’ve forgotten how to play.

Using Paiste gongs, Tibetan singing bowls as well as mantra, visualisation, breathwork techniques & healing crystals. Get ready to let go of what you don’t want to carry with you into the week ahead, stress melted away, in order to focus on what is more significant to us: Connection, expansion, playfulness.

Created by DJ Goldierocks, having spent the last decade travelling the world touring as a DJ & broadcaster she was very familiar with the need to seek balance. IO Project experiences are full of love, ritual and hippie good vibes but with a bit more contemporary attitude & delivery so they’re accessible & meaningful to a sophisticated, urban clientele.

Age Restriction 16+

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Relax & Receive, A Crystal Bowl Healing Workshop with Holly Husler

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Relax & Receive, A Crystal Bowl Healing Workshop with Holly Husler

After your busy week, this is your time to relax and receive. You’ll enter a warm, safe space with peaceful music playing. Choose a mat, lie down and get comfy. Then, allow your body to surrender, your mind to quieten and your breath to slow down, while Holly Husler guides you on a magical journey of healing sounds and vibrations, using her alchemy crystal bowls and singing voice to bring you home to a state of balance, peace and harmony.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Vibrational Toning and Sound Harmonisation Session with Tracie Storey

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Vibrational Toning and Sound Harmonisation Session with Tracie Storey

Vibrational Toning is a practice that allows you to restructure and balance, the vibration of the sounds work on our cellular structure and help to revitalise both your physical and energetic body. These chosen sounds hail from Japan and have a direct effect on our brain waves. The body responds by relaxing the nervous system and anxiety and doubt begin to dissolve, helping us to feel clarity and presence. The sound harmonisation takes us through a journey from our roots to our crown, cleansing the body with acoustic sounds and clearing the subtle energy fields, returning you back to a more harmonious, natural state of being.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Serenity Flo Sound Bath Meditation with Christina Grace

Sound Healing & DiscoveryChiswick House & Gardens

Serenity Flo Sound Bath Meditation with Christina Grace

Immerse yourself on a deeply restorative and majestic Sound Bath journey. Starting with a guided meditation and intention setting - followed by the sound healing frequencies of tuned Crystal Bowls, Symphonic Gong, Wind Gong & Chimes.

Disclaimer - If you are pregnant, have a heart condition, epilepsy, metal implants, or sound sensitivities, you should speak to a doctor or medical professional before attending a sound bath.

Age Restriction 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Sat 31 Aug

Relaxing Gong Bath with Martyn Cawthorne

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Relaxing Gong Bath with Martyn Cawthorne

A gong bath is a unique and beautiful experience in which you are bathed (clothes on) in the sounds and vibrations of the gongs, which lend themselves to enhanced states of well-being, relaxation, happiness, and pleasure. The experience can be cathartic as we often have many stresses in our lives which the gongs will 'vibrate through', generally causing a release. You may feel the gongs physically or emotionally, and you may find that they encourage and alter your state of consciousness, to something akin to day-dreaming, meditation or deep sleep.

Age Restriction: 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Harmony for the Soul: Unveiling Songs that Lift Your Spirits with Jambo Dragon

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Harmony for the Soul: Unveiling Songs that Lift Your Spirits with Jambo Dragon

Join us for a transformative journey into the power of music and mantras in elevating your spirit! In this workshop, we'll explore an enchanting array of songs and ancient mantras carefully curated to uplift, inspire, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. From timeless classics to contemporary gems, discover the melodies and words that resonate deeply within, guiding you towards inner peace and joy. Whether you seek solace, motivation, or simply a moment of serenity, this immersive experience promises to awaken your senses and leave you feeling renewed and empowered. Embrace the harmony within as we harmonize with the rhythms of the Universe in this soul-stirring exploration of music and mantras.

Age Restriction: 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Journey to Joy with Sama Trinder

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Journey to Joy with Sama Trinder

Joy we can describe as being a state of contentment, hope and wellbeing despite life's challenges. Journeys take twists and turns, and are not just about the destination. Journey inwards with somatic practice, stillness for the body and mind, and voice work to discover joy within.

Age Restriction: 16+

Click here to book workshops.

RESET with Aicha McKenzie

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

RESET with Aicha McKenzie

Rest is the foundation of all healing. In this session you'll use breathwork tools to train your diaphragm, enabling you to breathe more deeply, lower your heart rate, regulate your nervous system, and shift to a state of calm.

Taking you through some of Aicha McKenzie's tips and tools from the BreatheByAMCK Reset programme, you will be immersed in a fully comprehensive sensory experience. Enjoy learning transformational breathing techniques, accompanied by soundscapes, and the scent of our beautiful Breathe Mist.

Breathe, the universe has got you!

Age Restriction: 18+

Click here to book workshops.

A Live Music, Mindfulness & Breathwork Experience with Lisa T 

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

A Live Music, Mindfulness & Breathwork Experience with Lisa T 

This unique Live Music, Mindfulness & Breathwork Experience will start with a healing mindfulness meditation leading into rejuvenating and uplifting breathwork; all guided by live acoustic music from Lisa’s professional guitarist. As participants enjoy the transcendent, effects of the breathwork, Lisa will share her ‘angelic vocals’ with empowering lyrics enhancing the experience of the breathwork leaving attendees feeling relaxed yet rejuvenated. Participants who have attended Lisa’s Breathwork and Live Music sessions before have reported feeling ‘elated’ and ‘euphoric’.

Age Restriction: 18+

Click here to book workshops.

Powerful Breathwork With Unguarded Warrior

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Powerful Breathwork With Unguarded Warrior

Join Unguarded Warrior founder and oxygen advantage breathwork coach James O’keefe in a powerful discovery session for optimal breathing, less anxiety, more focus and how we can learn to let go in this modern world.

Age Restriction: 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Gong Bath Meditation with Monica Bazzani

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Gong Bath Meditation with Monica Bazzani

Come and immerse yourself in sound and the healing vibrations of the gong, crystal bowls, drum, and other instruments. Sound has been used for centuries to connect us to a more relaxed state and more recently there have been numerous studies to show its effectiveness for a variety of conditions such as insomnia, stress and anxiety. It is a wonderful practice to rebalance the body, mind and spirit.

Age Restriction: 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Master your Energy: Manifesting with Human Design

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Master your Energy: Manifesting with Human Design

Understand your unique energy blueprint using human design, align your energy and manifest your desires! Each human design type has a unique way of using their energy in the world and a way of being that allows you to use your energy to open up more ease and flow in your life. When you are not using your energy correctly, there's more resistance, and this is when you may struggle to manifest your desires. In this workshop, Louise will guide you through your human design strategy and teach you how to use your energy to release resistance and make things happen! Have your human design chart with you for this workshop, you can get it for free from here:

Age Restriction: 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Sun 1 Sep

Relaxing Gong Bath with Martyn Cawthorne

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Relaxing Gong Bath with Martyn Cawthorne

A gong bath is a unique and beautiful experience in which you are bathed (clothes on) in the sounds and vibrations of the gongs, which lend themselves to enhanced states of well-being, relaxation, happiness, and pleasure. The experience can be cathartic as we often have many stresses in our lives which the gongs will 'vibrate through', generally causing a release. You may feel the gongs physically or emotionally, and you may find that they encourage and alter your state of consciousness, to something akin to day-dreaming, meditation or deep sleep.

Age Restriction: 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Men’s Circle With Unguarded Warrior

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Men’s Circle With Unguarded Warrior

Join Unguarded Warrior founder James O’Keefe as he guides you through a powerful 45-minute Men’s Circle.

Discover some new tools to help release the tension of modern life and learn how you can connect with yourself and others to become a better, calmer more powerful man.

Please Note: This is a Men's Only workshop.
Age Restriction: 18+

Click here to book workshops.

Gong Bath Meditation with Monica Bazzani

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Gong Bath Meditation with Monica Bazzani

Come and immerse yourself in sound and the healing vibrations of the gong, crystal bowls, drum, and other instruments. Sound has been used for centuries to connect us to a more relaxed state and more recently there have been numerous studies to show its effectiveness for a variety of conditions such as insomnia, stress and anxiety. It is a wonderful practice to rebalance the body, mind and spirit.

Age Restriction: 16+

RESET with Aicha McKenzie

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

RESET with Aicha McKenzie

Rest is the foundation of all healing. In this session you'll use breathwork tools to train your diaphragm, enabling you to breathe more deeply, lower your heart rate, regulate your nervous system, and shift to a state of calm.

Taking you through some of Aicha McKenzie's tips and tools from the BreatheByAMCK Reset programme, you will be immersed in a fully comprehensive sensory experience. Enjoy learning transformational breathing techniques, accompanied by soundscapes, and the scent of our beautiful Breathe Mist.

Breathe, the universe has got you!

Age Restriction: 18+

Click here to book workshops.

Harmony for the Soul: Unveiling Songs that Lift Your Spirits with Jambo Dragon

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Harmony for the Soul: Unveiling Songs that Lift Your Spirits with Jambo Dragon

Join us for a transformative journey into the power of music and mantras in elevating your spirit! In this workshop, we'll explore an enchanting array of songs and ancient mantras carefully curated to uplift, inspire, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. From timeless classics to contemporary gems, discover the melodies and words that resonate deeply within, guiding you towards inner peace and joy. Whether you seek solace, motivation, or simply a moment of serenity, this immersive experience promises to awaken your senses and leave you feeling renewed and empowered. Embrace the harmony within as we harmonize with the rhythms of the universe in this soul-stirring exploration of music and mantras.

Age Restriction: 16+

Click here to book workshops.

Discover the Power of Tapping with Poppy Delbridge

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Discover the Power of Tapping with Poppy Delbridge

Learn how to start your journey of self-discovery and energy empowerment with Tapping Expert, Transformational Author and Coach, Poppy Delbridge. Learn how to quickly shift out of survival mode and into success frequency with her approach to the science-backed technique, which blends ancient wisdom with neuroscience and self-affirmation. Her fresh take on the power of thought will help you alleviate stress and overwhelm in just minutes as part of your up-levelled daily practice towards creating your own life vision.

Age Restriction 18+

Click here to book workshops.

Immersive & Restorative Sound Journey for Mind, Body & Soul with The Temple of Sound – Cheshire

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

Immersive & Restorative Sound Journey for Mind, Body & Soul with The Temple of Sound – Cheshire

Sharon’s Sound Baths are truly Immersive, Relaxing & Restorative. Using instruments to create a beautiful soundscape of continuous sound & vibrations which will slow down your brainwaves & restore harmony in the body & mind. The Workshop will start with a short focus on your breath to get you ready to receive your Sound Bath & guide you into a wonderful state of relaxation, where you can simply rest, relax, and be bathed in a beautiful kaleidoscope of sound.

Age Restriction: 12+

Click here to book workshops.

A Live Music, Mindfulness & Breathwork Experience with Lisa T 

Sound Healing & DiscoveryTatton Park

A Live Music, Mindfulness & Breathwork Experience with Lisa T 

This unique Live Music, Mindfulness & Breathwork Experience will start with a healing mindfulness meditation leading into rejuvenating and uplifting breathwork; all guided by live acoustic music from Lisa’s professional guitarist. As participants enjoy the transcendent, effects of the breathwork, Lisa will share her ‘angelic vocals’ with empowering lyrics enhancing the experience of the breathwork leaving attendees feeling relaxed yet rejuvenated. Participants who have attended Lisa’s Breathwork and Live Music sessions before have reported feeling ‘elated’ and ‘euphoric’.

Age Restriction: 18+

Click here to book workshops.